Updated July 30, 2016
Important: This page is no longer current. For updated and more detailed information covering the BIM Maturity Matrix, please visit the dedicated page on the BIMe Initiative's website: bimexcellence.org/301in/. For your convenience, this page will automatically redirect in 15 seconds.
The BIM Maturity Matrix (BIm3) is a Knowledge Tool intended to identify the current BIM Maturity of an organization or Project Team. The BIm³ has two axes - BIM Capability Sets on the vertical axis, and the BIM Maturity Index on the horizontal axis. The Matrix may be low in detail (BIMe Discovery Matrix) or highly detailed (BIMe Audit Matrix).
According to the BIM Dictionary, BIM Capability refers to the minimum abilities of an organization or team to deliver measurable outcomes. BIM Capability is achieved/measured through well-defined revolutionary BIM Stages separated by numerous evolutionary BIM Steps. Also, BIM Maturity refers to the gradual and continual improvement in quality, repeatability and predictability within available BIM Capability.
The below section provides links to download the latest version of the BIM Maturity Matrix in different languages - as they become available. The documents are released as part of the BIMe Initiative and include simple instructions to follow during a workshop or a structured interview.
English version - original language
301in BIM Maturity Matrix - Download (0.7MB)
German version (NEW)
301in.DE BIM Reifegrad Matrix (translated by Stephan Liedtke and Carsten Druhmann ) - Download (0.8MB)
Spanish version
301in.ES Matriz de Madurez BIM (translated by Victor Roig) - Download (0.8MB)
French version
301in.FR La Matrice de Maturité BIM (translated by Patrick Riedo) - Download (0.8MB)
Portuguese version
301in.PT Matriz de Maturidade BIM (translated by Leonardo Menzione of ) - Download (0.8MB)
A note on validity
The BIM Maturity Matrix is based on published academic research. To learn more, please refer to:
Succar, B. (2010). Building Information Modelling maturity matrix. In J. Underwood & U. Isikdag (Eds.), Handbook of research on Building Information Modelling and construction informatics: concepts and technologies (pp. 65-103): Information Science Reference, IGI Publishing. http://bit.ly/BIMPaperA3
Other Languages
An Italian version is currently being developed by BIMe Knowledge Affiliates. If you'd like to translate the matrix into other languages, please contact Bilal Succar; thank you.